Publicity shot found on the net. Colored in Photoshop by me. Got the car and trailer colored as close as I could to the way it was. Sign I just winged it.
Basically, this is a BLOG about me. Projects I'm working on. Movie's I've seen. Music I like etc. "I'm beautiful in my way 'cause god makes no mistakes, I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way"
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
made anyone feel like a leper lately?
Another image I altered in Photoshop. I love old movies, I love trying to create images based on Movies I've seen.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
4 in the open
Not totally sure about the title... But, This is an image I created using photoshop and found images.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Car Wash with Talula
Lulu loves the car wash. We're going through the wind tunnel here. She's still trying to get at anything she can!
Car Wash with Talula
This is our crazy little dog Lulu... She's riding through the car wash with Dad. Trying desperately to bite and attack the spray jets and brushes that come by the windows.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mustang II
Here's another Mustang II picture I found. I then added my own background to it. An image I took in Placerville Idaho a few years back around memorial day. Came out really good I think!
A Storm
My take on an ad for the Cadillac Eldorado. I believe this is the 86 model Eldorado. It was taken against a black background and had a red stripe along the bottom. I just enhanced these things and added the words and storm clouds. Yes, I did realize I'd made the one cloud look like a skull, I wanted to see how many more would see that!
mustang II Stallion
Image someone took of their mustang II Stallion option. Which I used and added my background of Bald Mountain in SunValley Idaho. I took this shot back in the begining of October. So, we'd just had a snow storm in that area before I went up there.
55 Chevy Model Idea
The 55 I'm working on. This was my photoshoped image of how I wanted it to look. SO, I'm hoping by the time I'm done it will look close to this!
1973 Pontiac Trans Am Advertisement
Here would be another advertisement. This one also has an image of the 73 Trans Am model I just finished. It's the smaller one, Brewster Green
Incase you hadn't noticed
Another advertisement I'd mentioned. This one was for the 73 Trans Am. I decided for the fun of it I'd add a shot of the 1:18 scale model I just completed last week or the week before. Other than the cloud reflections, it looks pretty good!
This is one of my 1:18 scale model Chrysler PT Cruisers. I snapped a shot of it down stairs and then in photoshop, took out the background. Looks almost like a real car!
Another Dream Car First!
I love playing with old advertisements. Usually, I love taking two page ads like this one started out and making a single page image out of it.
Once I combined this and got rid of the seam, I decided to do a little more. So I colored the back ground and the little arrow in the corner.
LeBaron GTC Convertible
Chrysler LeBaron Convertible. Someone's picture from the internet. Not sure if it was someone's car or just an ad image. But, I added my own background image taken by me on the freeway one evening. And then streaked the lights to give it kind of an 80's advertisement look.
Eldorado BW
So, here's another image I found on the net. Not sure if it was a Factory Photo or not. I'm guessing not. Anyway, I added the colors to most of it. Decided I liked leaving some of it in black and white. Then added the Christmas Scenes in the store window.
Merry Christmas in JUNE!!
55 Chevy "Titebox"
This here's another project I'm working on besides the Cadillac. I got this 55 Chevy from the good will and decided to customize it. It was missing the taillights when I bought it, and the hood ornament was broken. So, I eliminated the hood ornament and created some custom tail lights. I also tinted the windows and put the exhaust tips into the rear bumper. It's painted now, just not sure I'm really happy with it. But, it's not quite done yet either!
Christmas Town
Here's another creation of mine. The image came off the internet somewhere. To this image I added the Camaro off to the left, the trans am on the right and the tree made of poinsettias. The trans am is a photo I took of one of my 1:18 scale models.
Not sure why... But, I enjoy trying to put black and white images together. Although, i have to admit, I'd have liked this one better if i'd left the boat image in color. I guess I could always go back and fix it.
Late for dinner
This is an image I found on the internet. It's a picture taken way back in the early fifties of a restaurant that used to be in downtown Boise. I manipulated it some, added some more contrast to make the sky black as ink. Then decided to add the Edsel pulling into the parking lot. The Edsel came from the and I just added it to the image, and enhanced it a bit.
1949 Roadmaster Convertible
Image I did in Photoshop. Colored it in photoshop, then added the little something extra in the garage... tried to give it a feeling of Thanksgiving... a feeling of discovering new horizons.
How'd I do??
"I'm drivin your last car; 1965 Cadillac, she's runnin fine as wine too"
Can anyone guess the movie the title of this blog came from????
Tradgedy struck the Monday when I went to apply the second coat of clear to the 65 Cadillac Model I've been working on. Just to give you an idea as to how long I've been working on this. I started in 2009. I'd gotten a 1:18 scale die cast Cadillac made by Jada. It was part of their movie cars line, the one from "Resevoir Dogs" . So, I got it home and started looking at it. I knew in the store I didn't intend to keep the yellow color on it. So I waited and waited till I found a color I liked and then proceeded to paint it.
The color I liked was a color I had made up at the paint store. It was supposed to be a match to the color of a 1958 Edsel I know of. The color is kind of a dark auqua turqoise green metallic. I think the title of the paint after it was mixed was called "Tahiti Green", Edsel called it "Spruce Green". I got the paint back to my house, proceeded to TRY to cover the emblems with tape so it wouldn't be covered by paint. I then took it outside and sprayed it. Now, keep in mind, this is the first paint job after the yellow from the company. So, I painted it and it looked SOOOOO freakin good. I touched it in a couple of places and noticed I'd left finger prints so I figured the paint wasn't dry yet. I let it sit for a couple of days (remember this is a 1:18 scale) and went back to finish it. I was still leaving finger prints and it was sticky. I waited a week and was still leaving finger prints while I was trying to polish it out. At this point I got irritated and put it away moving onto other models.
This little caddy sat in my basement for about a year before I decided to go back to it and see what I could do. I picked it up and started trying to polish again, and again I was leaving finger prints and it was still sticky to the touch. With that, I decided for some reason, the paint I'd gotten didn't have enough hardner in it and didn't know what I was going to do to remedy the problem. I guess a smarter person would have just gone back to the paint store and had another can mixed. But, I decided to strip the car and start over.
I stripped the little Caddy and went back to the drawing board trying to find a color I liked. Oh, by the way, I've since used that tahiti green on another model and after I clear coated it, it seemed to be fine. Although through the clear coat you can still see finger prints forming if you hold it too long.
Looking at picture after picture on the internet of 65 Cadillac s, trying to find a color I liked. I finally narrowed it down to these two colors.

1965 Cadillac DeVille Fawn Metallic owned by Domenick
courtesy of http//
Friday, November 18, 2011
New Job....
I guess it's been about a month since my last blog. Well, thought I'd update everyone who reads this.
Well, as of the 8th of November I'm not employed anymore. Wound up getting fired for being GAY... Can you imagine??? I mean, GOD! What's next??? Firing someone for having red hair or dark skin???
I mean, with all the un employed in the US shouldn’t a persons job worth be graded on their ability to work and work hard as opposed to what goes on in their bedroom?
I had been un employed for 19 months. I went out and applied for a job with a local Courier buisness off Gowen Road. I was hired immediately, less than a month later I’m offered an advancement oppertunity. This new job would entail my dispatching, driving and taking orders or information from customers. I was told it was a very important job.
They started training me for it by basically throwing everything at me at once. This was causing issues. So, they decided to get me used to each aspect of this new position before moving on to the next. This was also when I was told as long as I showed improvement I didn’t have to worry about my job.
So, the rest of this saga can be read in this email I sent to the owner of the company Doug Fuller. Quoting an email he’d sent me just the 26th of October.
Hi Doug,
Hey, I just wanted to let you know. I was re reading the email response you sent me on the 26th of October. And based on the comments you made in that email versus the comments you made yesterday. I’m just not understanding why I’m not an employee there anymore.
“Makes me feel like we’ve made the right decision in TRAINING you for this spot. Training being our key word. You aren’t held to any standards when you are learning. Everyone goes at their own pace. I’m not dissatisfied with yours.”
Not sure if this will jog your memory. But these were your words and thoughts the 26th of October which was the week before last. Reading this again and knowing there was some concern during the last week about a comment that was made by Debi in front of me. The subject of this comment being offensive or in appropriate to use in front of a gay person.
Now, I remember this conversation. I also remember that “Fudge Packing” was not said. We were talking about fudge (The type you eat) I believe Kim put the packing on the end of the fudge.
Knowing Debi the way I do, I know she’d never use that phrase in front of me because it’s derogatory and she has more respect for me than that. I also know Kim doesn’t “believe” in my lifestyle which really isn’t any of her business anyway. And as long as we’re on that subject, it was also brought to my attention that you didn’t have the right to ask me if I was a “Family Man” during our interview. And I didn’t have to answer that question.
However, I did answer that question, being honest because I don’t believe in hiding who I am. Your comment to that was “well, there’s nothing wrong with that” which led me to believe you didn’t have a problem with this fact. Now, I feel I have no choice but to believe you were either lying then or lying now just to get rid of me and prevent any sexual harassment charges.
I’m not sure exactly what kind of person you think I am. According to Gary, I was showing improvement during this last week. Gary also told me he thought I was a good hard worker which was more important than my sexuality. And Tammy told me out of all the people she’s trained in the warehouse so far I’ve been the only one to pickup on the computer systems and parts as fast as I did. I understand none of this makes a difference to you. I know you’ve made up your mind and nothing will change that. But, knowing what I know about you, the mistakes you make on a daily basis causing everyone to cover for you. The weekend mistakes you make with the parts pulling which everyone has to cover for you. I don’t see how you can judge my performance when you operate the way you do. I mean, you own the place and you seem to have stumbling blocks of your own that no ones been able to overcome. Those computer systems are very simple to use.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I feel this is an unjust action. I also feel Kim had no business outing me in front of Jake. And the comments you made about me “fitting in” “not being a good fit” (which has nothing to do with my work performance) leads me to believe this boils down to you’re wanting to rid your company of any potential problems with the gay guy. I also feel that I have no choice but to take this up with outside representation.
Thank you for the opportunity to work there.
thank you for the lack of reason for letting me go!